With the arrival of autumn, people become inclined towards travelling to European metropolises, and one of the most beautiful destinations is Italy. It is not popular just because of its rich history, but also because of its gastronomic specialties. Italian cuisine is one of the world’s most popular cuisine, so if there is a restaurant with foreign specialties in some place, it is surely Italian. Let’s introduce you to the 10 most beautiful sweet Italian treats.

10. Zabaglione

Are you ready to go on a sweet, sweet trip through the Italian cookie dessert? Let’s start with Zabaglione, a unique candy made from eggs, sugar and Marsal wines.


It resembles a drink, but it’s actually a very light sweet dish in the glass. You can find the recipe for this treat on this site.

9. Cake Caprese

Caprese is a traditional Italian cake made of chocolate and almonds inside.


The outside is covered with powdered sugar. The cake comes from Capri and therefore bears the name.

8. Cantucci di Prato e Vinsanto

On the other hand, here we have a traditional dessert originating from Tuscany. It is a cake filled with almonds, which are usually dipped in a drink, usually with sweet wine or morning coffee.


If you want to try this wonderful recipe, you can find it on this link.

7. Semi – Freddo


The name actually means semi-cold and describes a wide range of delicacies that are frozen and covered with gelatine, cakes and whipped cream.

6. Cannoli

Cannoli is one of the most popular Italian treats in the world. In addition to being delicious, they also have a very nice look. Inside the roll is usually a sweet ricotta.


Would you like to make them yourself? You can find the recipe for this wonderful treat here.

5. Sicilian Cassata

This is a little bit more complicated (step by step instructions for making this cake can be seen here). It is a Sicilian cake which besides requiring a lot of time for preparation, demands and a lot of decorations.


Simply put, it consists of layers of ricotta and biscuit and is sprinkled with marzipan.

4. Rum Baba

Rum Baba is actually a thin, cylindrical piece of cake soaked in rum. It has many different decorations and these little pieces will give you an unforgettable feeling in your mouth as you eat them.


You may have already met a recipe for this treat here

3. Panna Cotta

The next three sweets are a trademark of Italian treats that everyone knows. Panna Cotta is the first and literally “boiled cream” decorated in various ways, with syrups, fruits, even cakes.


You can find a detailed preparation guide on this blog.

2. Tiramisu

Tiramisu is “Pick Me” dessert and that’s how its name is translated. It is a delicious cake with coffee layers, mascarpone cream cheese and whipped cream.


This is one of the sweetest things you can eat in Italy and you will fall in love with it right after the first bite. There are many recipes for this specialty of Italian cuisine, and one of them can be found here.

1. Gelato

In the end, we have Gelato, one of the reasons why you need to visit Italy. Gelato is not a typical ice cream (a detailed explanation of the differences between ice cream and gelatin can be read in this text). The fact that it is not completely frozen makes it even more creamy.


Equal pleasure is to watch it and eat at the same time. They say that the taste is even more intense than the one you have with ice cream, and will be your best companion while traveling through Italy, especially if you are visiting during a warm summer.


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