Old age doesn’t only make us fragile and weak, it also takes our memory. Memory loss is something synonymous with old age, and it’s evident by the millions of cases word wide.

But is there a way to cope with it? Can we do something about it despite life working against us? In this article, we are going to try and find the 7 ways to cope with memory loss as you age.

This article is sort of a guide for 2024 since we will discuss a lot of topical things on the subject.

With all that said, let’s start with the guide.

1. Strong Education And a Sense For Learning

A lot of cognitive experts highly suggest that having a stronger education that involves a lot of learning is the best cure for memory loss come the latter stages of life.

This is because continuously learning keeps the brain active and prevents it from going dark on us. Being mentally active is an excellent way for our brain to exercise core functions, and this is exactly what you need to be doing.

Challenging the brain as we get older activates brain cells and reinforces the fragile connection between each cell. This promotes cell communication and this is key for coping with memory loss.

Marion from The Doe reports that memory loss essentially is when our brain cells lose that vital connection between them. This creates “dark holes” that void us of our memory.

So, continuously learning is quite possibly the best cure for it.

2. Take Good Care Of Your Health

It goes without saying that cognitive-health problems pose one of the greatest threats in our ability to improve and nurture memory loss.

Some medical issues affect all aspects of our life, and they can certainly affect our ability to preserve memories and create new ones.

It is medically confirmed that diabetes, blood pressure, and depression, amongst others, are some of the medical issues that most impact our ability to preserve memory.

So, in contrast, living a healthy lifestyle that will prevent you from catching diabetes and having high blood pressure is another great way to cope with memory loss.

Living a stress-free life and a happy life also helps, especially when in the latter stages.

Other medical issues that pose a threat to your memory are sleep apnea, underactive thyroid, and high cholesterol blood levels.

3. Be Confident In Yourself

It’s safe to say that there is a negative stigma around memory loss that’s associated with older people. This negative stigma is counterproductive for older people when it comes to trying and overcoming memory loss.

Studies have shown that older learners found if significantly harder to overcome cognitive and memory-related tasks when they’re being told about the stigma.

Older people generally perform worse at these tests, but the results showed that the negative outcome was even more evident once a person’s being reminded of it.

So, if there is one out-of-the-box tip we could give you when trying to cope with memory loss is to be confident in yourself and ignore what other people say.

We know this can be rather difficult, but it is still a way to cope with it none the less.

4. Take Brain Supplements

We have been taking all kinds of supplements to help out with all kinds of stuff.

Brain supplements are exactly what they sound to be. They’re supplements that help out with our cognitive abilities in times of desperation.

A lot of people use brain supplements and a lot of people will use them in the future. Sometimes learning new things or being confident in yourself isn’t enough to cope with memory loss.

So much like an insulin shot or an aspirin, taking brain supplements might well work in our favor. These aren’t harmful at all and will improve your cognitive state overtime.

However, you’re probably in the unknown here, so we suggest you read this guide on the topic of brain supplements, everything to know about them, and which are the best for you.

5. Remember More

It’s safe to say that the best way to improve your abilities to backtrack is to get good at it. Age makes us forget the last place we put our keys, our wallets, our glasses, etc.

So, you can imagine how frustrating this is. But probably the best way to remember where you’ve left your car keys is to continuously backtrack on past actions.

For example, if you’ve recently been to the grocery store, then why not try and remember all the things you’ve bought? Such activities are excellent for effectively “remembering” and that’s the best way to train your brain to backtrack more effectively.

6. Sign Up For A Memory Course

There are all kinds of courses nowadays that help us in literary everything. One such course, related to our topic here, is a memory course.

These are relatively new and are run by cognitive experts and professionals in the field of psychology and cognitive rehabilitation that teach you how to preserve and create new memories as you age.

Memory courses are red-hot with older people as they deliver on their promise. These courses are very effective and excellent in improving your memory.

Since the courses are generally taught by experts in the field, they can relate to the listeners and provide first-hand tips on how to cope with memory loss.

7. Be Stubborn About It

Is there something that you’re desperate to remember? Has your son said something that you don’t want to forget in a couple of hours? Then why not take the stubborn approach to solve this issue?

The stubborn approach is nothing but continuously repeating the same thing over and over again. This way, you’re effectively hard-wiring it in your brain so you’ll never forget it.

Although it is significantly harder than that, it is a great way to cope with memory loss none the less.

Also, you can always write down on a piece of paper and carry it with you when the time comes.


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