Seven-Day Diet and Her Exercise Regime

The Italian “goddess of beauty,” as people often call her, reveals her entire diet plan, as well as a moderate and casual exercise regime that helps her maintain that fantastic body. The film diva, Monica Bellucci, who opened Belgrade’s Fest, is a mother of two girls, Deva and Léonie, and her beauty continues to enchant the world.

“I am like a mature pear, beautifully mature, very sweet and juicy,” said the Italian, whose feelings towards exercising represent a mixture of love and repulsion – and it is the repulsion which prevails. She does not consider herself either fat or thin, nor does she want to be one, so probably no one will find this 173cm high and 58kg heavy actress on the running track.

“It’s impossible to go to the gym with my hectic lifestyle. To get up at 5 in the morning to start exercising at the gym at 6? It’s not worth it! Instead of strenuous exercises in the gym, I often wear black. It’s much more convenient and fun,” said the beautiful actress.

Monika’s exercise regime is moderate and casual, including swimming, running, and yoga. Four times a week, she swims for 45 minutes and is convinced that this is the best way to stay in great shape.

“I am like a shark, I am always on the move, I have to in order to stay alive, but sometimes, for my own good, a woman must find a way to rest and be lazy. Actually, I would say that I am half a shark and half Mediterranean.”

Italian beauty is certainly not one of those starving actresses. If it is necessary for a certain role to lose a few pounds, she eats meat, fish, and vegetables and very quickly loses her weight. But she prefers parts for which she needs to put on some weight.

As for the love of food, she is a true Italian: she eats everything, but she likes Italian cuisine the most. Her favorite dish is pasta with parmesan. Monika’s diet is more about the size of the portion, not the types of foods. This plan allows her to eat whatever she wants, provided she controls the amount of food.

The menu of a 7 days diet

This diet is unique in its diversity. In addition, you do not have to look for exotic food and prepare complicated dishes.

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5. Day 1

Breakfast: 150 ml of natural and unsweetened yogurt with apple pieces.

Lunch: 200 grams of boiled beef, 200 grams of green lettuce salad with 1 tsp of olive oil, a slice of cornbread.

Dinner: a cup of fresh berries, 150 grams of cooked rice with a spoon of olive oil and 50 grams of rendered cheese, 150 grams of vegetable salad, any kind of fruit.

4. Day 2

Breakfast: cup of coffee without sugar, toast, and spoon of berries or fruit jam.

Lunch: 3 eggs omelet, 2 small boiled zucchini, whole bits of integral bread.

Dinner: 150 grams cooked lean meat, salad.

3. Day 3

Breakfast: green tea (with lemon), toast with honey, grapefruit.

Lunch: 200 grams of cooked or baked potatoes with parsley or spice, 100 grams of low-fat cheese.

Dinner: 170 grams of spaghetti with olive oil and tomato, any fruit.

2. Day 4

Breakfast: Naturally unsweetened and low-fat yogurt with 2 teaspoons of honey, 40 grams of cheese.

Lunch: 100 grams of cooked rice, 100 grams of boiled zucchini, 100 grams of boiled beef.

Dinner: cup of any fruit, 200 grams of cooked fish, vegetable salad with olive oil, a portion of bread, any fruit.

Read Also: Kim Kardashian’s Diet

1. Day 5

Breakfast: A glass of freshly squeezed juice, two salted crackers.

Lunch: 100 grams of spaghetti, fresh green salad with olive oil, orange or grapes.

Dinner: 250 grams of vegetable salad with cooked beans, any fruit.

In the rest of the menu days, repeat any of the previous days.

Do not expect some shocking results from this diet. Being on such a regime for a week, you will lose2-3 kg. But you will feel great and will not harm your body.

The famous actress’s diet is good because it contains enough amount of fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins, microelements and fibers. Such a diet helps to normalize the operation of the bowel, cleans the body of toxins and regulates metabolic processes.

Since honey is also a part of this diet, you will not constantly feel the need for sweets. All dishes are prepared very easily, so it is perfect for you if you don’t have a lot of free time.

As for the disadvantages of this regime, it involves very little protein. In addition, a large number of plant foods activate the fermentation process, which can lead to digestive system disorders. Long intervals between meals can cause a constant feeling of hunger. To get rid of it, you can drink a glass of warm water every time you feel the need for food.


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