
People who experience joint, muscle, and bone pain know how difficult and daunting everyday activities are. Besides being unable to perform even the simplest tasks, the pain people might feel will certainly affect how comfortable they are, but, this is something that can be solved by seeing an orthopedic specialist.

If you’re experiencing the same things we mentioned above, you might be wondering – what are the most common signs that I must see an orthopedic specialist? Fortunately for all individuals, the article below will shed some light on the entire subject. So, let’s take a closer look at what you should be aware of:

1. Difficulties Climbing Stairs or Standing Up


Now, the first thing that you should know is that, over time, your knees and hips will become weaker, however, at times, they could become too painful for you to move freely and normally. If you’re having difficulties walking, standing up from a chair, or climbing stairs, it might be time to schedule a meeting with an orthopedic expert.

Keep in mind, if your pain lasts more than half a year and if you constantly need to change the way how you do certain things because of it, your joints are most likely damaged. Depending on the issues, your physician will examine your joints and bones, and from there, they’ll recommend certain treatment plans.

2. Increasing Pain in The Shoulders And Neck

If you go through increasing pain in the shoulders and neck – especially during the night – whenever you move, you should be examined by a professional. These two symptoms can be connected to discomfort around your joints and it might be a sign of a condition known as tendonitis.

This particular condition can be a product of an injury or by overusing a particular limb, and you might be feeling it in your wrists, heels, or elbows. Tendons hold your muscles and bones together, hence, if they get hurt, they’ll become inflamed. If you’re experiencing these issues, schedule a meeting at an expert clinic such as

3. Swollen Joints & Wrists


You might have noticed your joints becoming warm, stiff, or completely swollen, and if so, you should know that it might be a condition caused by excess weight or increased activity called bursitis. Bursa is a sac filled with liquids and once it swells it can cause inflammation in the knees, feet, shoulders, or hips.

Also, if you’ve accidentally fallen or hit your hand really hard against a surface, it might have started swelling. This could imply that you’ve sprained your wrist and if you don’t take care of it, the injury could end up becoming worse, something that leads us to the next point in this article…

4. If Your Injuries Get More Painful

Whether you’ve fallen and landed on your hand or if you had a minor car accident, you’ll need some time to heal your body. However, if the aches and inflammation aren’t gone after a few days on their own, you might have broken something without realizing it.

You can crack or break every single bone in your body, and some of the most common signs that you did fracture a bone are bruising of the skin, swelling, as well as worsening pain every time you try to move a part of your body. If this is happening to you, head to the ER as soon as possible.

5. Aches From Repetitive Movements


When I first started working as a writer, I made the mistake of not holding my arms in the right position while I typed. This has lead to a painful condition known as the “tennis elbow”. I first ignored the pain, and of course, it became worse over time. This is why I decided to see an orthopedic expert that taught me how I am supposed to hold my arms while working. Are you suffering from tennis elbow? Check out Ray of Health for effective tennis elbow treatment.

If your job includes a lot of repetitive movements, you could end up causing stress injuries in your nerves and muscles. So, if you’ve started feeling a lot of pain in your upper body, you should definitely head to an expert that’ll examine you and tell you what you need to do next.

6. Numb Fingers And Hands

You might feel tingling or numbness in your fingers and hands or if you constantly drop items from your hands, it’s possible that you’re experiencing something known as carpal tunnel syndrome. What is it? Well, the nerve that goes from your forearm to your wrist goes through a tunnel in your hand, and it allows you to have sensation in all your fingers except for the little finger.

This condition can be caused by a wide range of things including injuries, fractures, working with heavy machines and tools that vibrate, or repetitive motion. Keep in mind, if you don’t take care of it right away, you might require surgery later on, and if you don’t take care of it at all, you might lose the ability to move your hand.

7. If You Twisted Your Ankle


There are various things – such as walking on uneven ground – that could easily cause you to fall and twist an ankle. Some of the common signs that you did this are pain on the outside of your leg, swelling, and of course, bruising. If you notice this, you might want to visit an expert that’ll help you with the pain you’re feeling when moving.

Additionally, some individuals have a genetic predisposition to sprain ankles because of their posture or bone density, or in some situations, how they turn their legs when they move. If you sprained your ankles in the past, it’s highly possible that you’ll do it again, hence, be careful.


There is a wide range of things that could cause pain in your bones, limbs, and muscles. And, if you’re currently experiencing any of the aforementioned things, it might be a sign that it is time for you to visit an orthopedic specialist that will help you reduce the pain you’re feeling.

So, now that you’ve learned some of the most common signs that you’re experiencing some joint or bones issues, you shouldn’t waste any more of your time. Instead, if you have some of the symptoms, open up your browser and start looking for a professional that’ll help you overcome the issues you have.


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