Although commercial drugs and medicines are a point of debate, with some claiming that pharmaceutical business is doing no good to humanity we still have to admit that certain companies have been helping people providing certain supplements and treatments, and aid in overcoming certain conditions.

Now, among all, Walgreens has been the one on top, especially for the past 20 years. It is the largest pharmaceutical brand in the whole USA and has around 8100 stores worldwide. With Walgreens starting its business at the beginning of 20th century it had its ups and downs throughout, only to now be the most successful drugstore chain. People have been satisfied with Walgreens for years, and now Walgreens has decided to ask for final public feedback and give you something in return. But before on getting straight to the point of this article, let’s take a look at some of the most famous Walgreens products.

What Does Walgreens Offer

Believe it or not, Walgreens was the most successful as of the 20th century when it sold prescription Whiskey during the 1930s. As the prohibition was ongoing everyone was interested to get the prescription and a bottle of whiskey by going to Walgreens. But since then Walgreens has changed quite a bit and now sells pharmaceutical drugs, health and beauty products, vitamins, and supplements and even toys for kids.

Now, with the variety of products sold one might ask what he can expect when entering a Walgreens store? Well, first of all, the cosmetic products will be upfront as nowadays these are the most sold items that Walgreens has to offer. Famous brands like Maybelline And L’Oreal are sold and done so at the regular prices. As of the health store itself, it is very well organized and the prices are clearly label, so you are sure to enjoy the whole Walgreens trip to store. Of course, the department most of you are interested in is the pharmaceutical one. It offers a range of prescription drugs and medications, vitamins and supplements and even contact lenses. There is also a Walgreens team of experts that you will get to talk with and discuss what do you need. Walgreens really does pay extra care to its customers as they have enough people to assure there will be no waiting line and everyone will be served on time.

The brands of vitamins, supplements, and health and beauty products are various, and you can find basically anything you want. On top of all that, Walgreens even sells greeting cards that are great as a gift accessory.

Now, one might ask well compared to the second biggest USA drug chain CVS how does Walgreens rate? And the answer is simple – the customer service is better, it is more diverse and has somewhat better prices.

The Walgreens Survey

Taking into consideration, the ongoing competition between the drug chains Walgreens decided to organize a store survey and gather relevant information and customer feedback. And they made it in a way that will be beneficial both for them and the customer. On the you will find a few questions about how you are satisfied with the chain and what would you like to see in the future.

Once you fill in the survey and your contact details you are now eligible for winning a price of $3000! Yes, you have heard it right – one lucky contestant will get more than enough cash to buy any tens of dozens of Walgreens products. This store survey is something different and is sure to attract thousands of people that will provide adequate feedback!


Walgreens has done so much for people all around, and now once again they prove why they are at the top when it comes to drug chains across the USA. The move of organizing a store survey that will be of benefit to both sides is a smart one, and we can be sure that it will affect Walgreens to improve even more!



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