A handful of almonds will give you “sweet dreams”. If you toss and turn in bed and have problems with dreaming, the cause for that may be an inadequate diet. In case you did not know, there are foods that, among other things, have a great deal of influence on your state of alertness, that is, they contribute to your “falling asleep”.
Oat flakes
Oat flakes are the favorite breakfast of many people and one bowl of these cereals will help you sleep better, as it helps the secretion of melatonin. Melatonin you can use as supplements such as MidNite.

Almond also helps you fall asleep. They contain tryptophan and magnesium that calm the nerves and muscle functions as well as the heart rate. One spoon of honey also promises “sweet dreams”.

Of fruits, we would put emphasis on cherries and bananas that have a great deal of influence on the sleeping cycle. Banana contains magnesium, potassium and vitamin B6 that help tryptophan into serotonin. The famous Middle Eastern humus also contains tryptophan.

Black Chocolate
Since olden times, black chocolate has a stimulus label that secretes serotonin, as its most recognizable feature. One bowl can relax the mind and the body, and thus affect the quality of sleep.

When it comes to the meat, nutritionists single out the turkey that turns serotonin into melatonin, and large amounts of it in fact. Without it, you wouldn’t be able to dream.