Being the First Lady of the United States is a pretty big deal. You can influence millions, and just like the President, the First Lady has a role to play. Michelle Obama used to encourage the country to eat healthy and exercise through the Let’s Move and My Plate initiatives.
She was not the first First Lady to do so, and some other names we would like to mention are Eleanor Roosevelt and Jackie Kennedy, who had an impact on the eating habits of Americans. Currently, the country’s First Lady is Melania Trump, and we are wondering what she eats. We don’t know much about here but here are some things included in her diet.

1. Smoothies
It is not surprising for Melania to keep her diet light and healthy, and she usually has a green smoothing to start the day. In 2013, she shared the meal on Facebook with her fans, and many people asked for a recipe. The former model said that she used fresh and organic fruit and vegetables and this meal, in particular, requires spinach, celery, carrots, blueberries, and apples.

2. Oatmeal
Besides a green smoothie, Melania often eats oatmeal. This is another great way to start your day, and Melania knows what is good for her and her figure. According to Health magazine, oatmeal is one of the healthiest breakfast choices, and we are sure that your heart will thank you.

3. Fruit
Obviously, a healthy diet is important to the First Lady, and she eats a lot of fruit. It has been reported that she consumes seven pieces of fruit each day. A part of that amount is used for her smoothie, but there is a strong possibility that she reaches out for fruit throughout the day.

4. Fewer vegetables
Melania Trump obviously loves fruit, but she is more selective when it comes to vegetables. When they appeared on The Martha Stewart Show, Melania said that she didn’t eat onions and artichokes. During the show, they were preparing Donald’s favorite meal – meatloaf sandwich. Even though veggies are not her favorite, she told a group of kids at a 2017 event in the White House garden: “I encourage you to continue to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, so you grow up healthy and take care of yourself.”

5. Fast Food
Although Melania sticks to her healthy diet, she allows herself to visit a fast food joint every now and then, When she traveled to Texas after the Hurricane Harvey, she and Karen Pence, wife of Vice President Mike Pence, visited the original Whataburger location in Corpus Christi.

6. Chicken Parmigianino
Melania is no stranger to the restaurant menus, and we are confident that she visited country’s elite restaurants with Donald Trump. In 2010, she told New York Magazine: “One thing I love most about New York is the variety of amazing foods you can eat. My all-time favorite is the chicken Parmigianino at Jean Georges.” She doesn’t always order salad, as you can clearly see.

7. No popular diets
Melania has a slim figure thanks to healthy food and exercises, but you will not see her trying out fancy diets. There is no need to eliminate entire food group just to reduce the number of calories and Melania knows it. At one occasion, she told Refinery 29 that her eating habits are not a diet. She said: “I just like to eat healthy because I feel better and have more energy.”

8. Chocolate
Chocolate improves our mood, and there are only a few people in the world who have the power to resist chocolate. Melania believes that you need to indulge your cravings once in a while and she eats chocolate from time to time. Chocolate with 70 percent of cocoa and more has several health benefits, with reducing stress being the biggest one of all.

9. Ice Cream
We are not sure how often Melania allows herself to eat sweets, but we know for sure that one of her favorite deserts is ice cream. Time magazine revealed that at dinner “he [Trump] gets two scoops of vanilla ice cream with his chocolate cream pie, instead of the single scoop for everyone else.” It appears that both Donald and Melania love the frozen dessert.

10. Diet Coke
One of the beverages that are among Melania’s favorites is diet coke. She drinks it from the bottle, which is the best way to drink it according to the manufacturer, but also the most expensive one. However, we know that price is not an issue for the Trumps, and she can have all the diet coke she desires.

11. Vitamins
By this point, you know that Melania Trump takes special care of her body. She told Refinery 29: “I take vitamins and use a moisturizer that’s an oxygen cream. Everything is natural. It’s A, C, and E, and I mix them together. It’s so important to care for your skin — inside and out from morning to night (especially in the night!). You need to take makeup off and moisturize!”

It appears that Melania Trump’s diet is quite healthy. She balances all kinds of foods, and her figure is here to tell the story!