Hair Root Cover Up

One of the most common issues of aging is gray roots. Isn’t it annoying that although you still feel and are young, gray hair is beginning to appear on your head? But with just a few of them, you won’t opt for a full color – this would simply be inefficient. So, how to battle gray roots? With hair root cover-up!

What Is the Reason Behind the Gray Roots?

Gray hair is a universal sign of old age. Thus, if the first gray roots appear early in our lives, we try to hide them. But, why do they actually appear in the first place?

It is all connected to the science behind our hair. They consist of pigment cells that make melanin – the substance responsible for the color of our hair. Yet, with age, these cells begin to slowly die. This doesn’t affect the hair that has already grown – they are full of pigment anyway. Yet, this prevents pigment production, thus the new parts of a particular hair grow gray.

What Is the Importance of Gray Hair Root Cover-Up?

Gray hair root cover up is quite crucial – it is the only way to fully battle this issue. Even permanent hair coloring won’t do the job – the hair will regrow gray anyway. Thus, if you really want to get rid of this aging sign effectively and effortlessly, this is the only viable product. Although, combining is with a hair dye is also a reasonable option.

How Does Hair Root Cover-Up Work?

Hair root cover-ups are special products designed to help you with regrowing your hair. While they are most commonly used to disguise gray hair, you might also use them after hair coloring. They’ll be great for any situation that requires changing the shade of your roots.

Unlike most dyes, hair root cover-ups are designed to work temporarily. They are a special powder that lasts only until the next wash. And, however inconvenient this seems, it is actually their greatest advantage.

Many people decide to color their hair to hide any gray strands, but this has one major drawback – visible contrast when the natural hair regrows. But, who would like to dye their hair every time their roots get visible? No one. And that’s why a hair root cover up is so great. It won’t last longer than a couple of days, but it will cover what has to be hidden without the need to apply a new bottle of hair color.

How to Find a Good Hair Root Cover-Up?

If you are looking for the best gray hair root cover-up, you should focus on its functionality. You don’t want a product that will wash off too easily. So, what are the most important features:

  • Rain resistance,
  • Sweat resistance,
  • Bedclothes–proof,
  • Easy application.

The Takeaway

If you want to become more confident and feel like in the time of your youth, but you sense that your roots are holding you back – hair root cover-up will be an ideal solution. Weed out the gray roots and enjoy vigorous, fresh looks.


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