These days, thanks to improvements in healthcare among many other things, people are typically living a lot longer than in previous generations.

It’s estimated that around one in 10,000 will live to reach the age of 100, a fact that is reiterated in this article. But in order to live a long life, one usually needs to start taking their personal health seriously when they are still relatively young and able to make positive changes to their lifestyle more easily.

Reaching the age of thirty can be a great time to do this.

Many people believe that 30 years of age mark the beginning of a new life. Indeed, it’s an indication that we are growing older and even the signs may be evident on our body and mind.

While some people observe a change in the way they used to think in their younger days, others may observe the loss of breathing stamina.

All these changes indicate the need for paying attention to health, and in this post, we are sharing X best ways of maintaining good physical and mental wellbeing after 30.

1. Physical Activity

As we grow old, our body joints may start to lose the strength that they used to have when we were teenagers. This happens for a number of reasons. One of them is the lack of physical workout.

Just like we participate in mental exercises to build our cognitive strengths, the physical workout can help us strengthen our muscles. Plus, studies show that regular physical activity and fitness reduce the risk of premature aging and deaths.

All-in-all, workout is a great way to ensure that you remain healthy for longer. Also, workout makes us sweat, which improves our metabolism and eradicates wastes and unnecessary fats from our body.

Speaking of mental health, exercise is known to reduce stress levels. In fact, even a ten minutes brisk walk can dramatically boost your mental alertness & positive energy, plus uplift your mood.

2. Enough Sleep

Who doesn’t miss those good old days when sleep used to seem like something that we hardly needed?

Certainly, the young days are more energetic, and when in our teens, we don’t always feel the need to sleep more. However, this is not the case in older ages. Despite a good diet, all humans require at least 7-9 hours of sleep for stable mental and physical health.

You might even have observed how our body feels tired too quickly when we haven’t had enough sleep. In fact, lack of sleep also results in unusually frequent sweating. Plus, it slows down our faculties, disturbs our metabolism, reduces alertness, consciousness, and adversely affects mental health.

These are the reasons why we may feel easily irritated and frustrated after pulling-off an all-nighter during our late twenties.

3. Consume More Vitamins

Vitamins are among the most crucial nutrients that are required to maintain the good health of the human body. Performing myriads of functions to keep the body fit, fine, and healthy, they should be consumed in adequate quantities throughout a person’s lifetime.

However, when we grow old, the vitamins we consume from food may not be enough to maintain our well-being.

That’s why it becomes crucial to increase the overall intake by consuming multivitamins.

For example, the daily intake of vitamin D from your food may not be enough. Due to the lack of it, your bones may weaken. Similarly, the lack of vitamin H or biotin can adversely affect your skin, nail, and hair quality. That’s where multivitamin tablets come into play.

To maintain good health while growing old, consider taking a regular dosage of essential vitamins in one form or another.

4. Say No To Smoking

If you are a smoker, it’d be best to quit it. If you are not a smoker but have been feeling an affinity towards cigarettes or THC, make sure you don’t pick it up.

Apart from the harmful effects of cigarettes on the lungs and the overall respiratory system, it also adversely affects the nervous system. Nicotine, the key ingredient in the making of cigarettes, is a chemical that causes addiction to itself along with several effects on mental health.

This is one primary reason why smokers find it hard to quit smoking. The more Nicotine you consume, the more your system demands it.

Plus, every single cigarette that you may smoke would consist of over 9,000 chemicals. Many of these chemicals are carcinogens that cause cancer either primarily or secondarily.

So, if you wish to maintain good health for a long time, ensure to stay away from smoking.

5. Meditate

As we grow up, the number of responsibilities on our shoulders may increase. For example, as students, there may not be a lot for us to worry about. It’s mostly about getting good grades and doing good at our interests, occasionally handling friendships and relationships.

However, in your late twenties or early thirties, you may have a ton of responsibilities to look after. From matching up to your family’s expectations to delivering your best every day at work, all of this can take a toll on your mental health.

Meditation is one subtle way of dealing with all types of stresses that may be appearing to engulf your life and happiness.

Studies have proven that meditation can reduce the wake time of people with insomnia by 50%. Plus, mindfulness meditations can help reduce symptoms of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) by 73%. And that’s not the end of it. Meditation helps a large number of people worldwide to lead a stress-free and healthy life.

6. Limit Alcohol Consumption

While many people have normalized and glorified alcohol use, it’s not something that must be encouraged. From disturbing hormonal levels to affecting your skin, hair, and metabolism, alcohol plays a devil in all aspects.

Plus, we all know about the harmful effects of alcohol on the liver. If you have been consuming a lot of alcohol at parties, it’d be better to cut down the consumption to a drink or two for your good health. And of course, nothing can be better than giving up on it.

Indeed, occasionally consuming wine in small quantities will still help you look young.

It’s also important to note that alcohol abuse is a leading cause of disturbed mental wellness and increased chances of depression and anxiety.

Moving further, when you’re growing up, it’s also advisable to invest a fair amount of money for getting insured. Whether it’s life insurance or auto insurance, they help you remain stress-free during tragic situations. To explore your life insurance, auto insurance, and health insurance options, visit USAA today.

Wrapping up

Unlike during teens, maintaining good health while approaching or crossing 30 years of age may be a bit challenging. In this post, we mentioned a few ways of ensuring that you are physically and mentally healthy while growing up.

Hopefully, this was helpful.


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