
Eating disorders can be very challenging to notice, which makes their treatment much more complicated. People with these disorders often hide it because they are worried about being condemned by people around them or simply do not think they have any disorder. So it is often possible to notice that something is wrong only when the disease progresses. Early detection of symptoms can be valuable in treatment, and in the text below, we will describe some of the symptoms that everyone needs to pay attention to. In case you suspect that you or someone you know has an eating disorder, you can find professional help at

1. Sudden changes in weight


There is no need to worry about every weight change, but there is if it happens suddenly. Then you should pay a little more attention to that, and probably visit a doctor. There is a misconception that only sudden weight loss is important for eating disorders, but this is not the case. Sudden weight gain can be equally important and should not be overlooked.

2. Exaggeration with body image

People with eating disorders are obsessed with their bodies. They can spend hours in front of the mirror or talking about their negative sides. It is not necessarily the sign of some disorder, but it can be, so it shouldn’t be overlooked. In most cases, those people will be sure that they are overweight, and no one can convince them otherwise. They can also compare themselves to some models or celebrities or choose more comfortable clothes to hide flaws.

3. Medical complications


Eating disorders are never alone, and many other medical conditions are following them. Women usually have irregular menstruations, or if they are younger, sometimes the first one never happens. People with those problems are feeling dizzy, and it is easy for them to faint without visible reason. The skin and hair look dry, and sometimes the hair is falling. There are almost always problems with teeth and gums, and diarrhea is often present. Problems like leg cramps, osteoporosis, or bruises without mechanical reason can be very unpleasant and painful. Besides that, there are often severe conditions like diabetes, different heart diseases, or problem with the lungs and other organs.

4. Cold hypersensitivity

Many people are not big fans of winter and cold weather, but it is not something to worry about. However, if someone is hypersensitive to the cold and finds it very difficult to bear, it can be a sign that something is wrong. This symptom is not crucial in making a diagnosis, but it is surely something worth paying attention to, especially in combination with others.

5. Sudden interest in nutritional values


It is often a good thing to pay attention to what we eat and how many calories it has. So we can limit our intake, but also eliminate from our diet foods that are full of sugar or fat. Unfortunately, preoccupation with these things very often indicates an eating disorder, especially when it is impossible to eat something without a detailed analysis. That leads to a much smaller list of good things to eat, and the body is not receiving the necessary nutrients, which can lead to many severe problems.

6. Social distancing

Withdrawal from friends and other people around you is most often interpreted as a sign of depression, which is not wrong, but it can also be an indicator of an eating disorder. In both cases, it is crucial to seek professional help because depression can be an accompanying symptom of an eating disorder and, it is important to treat it in time. If neglected, it can lead to severe problems that can eventually result in even suicide. Every withdrawal should be noticed since social contacts are something that every person needs, and quitting them is always a sign that something is wrong.

7. Sleeping problems


The body needs sleep to function properly, but also every problem is reflected in sleep. For eating disorders, sleep problems are a common occurrence. These can be nightmares, inability to fall asleep, frequent waking during the night, but also sleepwalking, talking in your sleep, and many others. That later affects the mood, so these people are prone to frequent mood swings for no good reason, which can be very hard for the others from their environment.

8. Food rituals

People with eating disorders are not eating like other people. They may have many food-related rituals that may seem bizarre to others. Sometimes it can be excessive or loud chewing or the chewing count, but sometimes it can be even more paranoic. That means that those people will not allow anybody to prepare, touch or serve their food, and in many cases, they will eat alone while no one is watching. Sometimes it can be eating small food portions or skipping meals at all, and sometimes eating only a certain group of food.

9. Yellow skin


It is hard not to notice when someone in your environment suddenly has orange skin. Unfortunately, people with an eating disorder have a wrong image of themselves, so they don’t notice it. That is often accompanied by the appearance of lanugo hairs on the back or face, and these are certainly signs that something is wrong. Ignoring them is not a good idea since it is not something that can be solved without professional help.

Those are only a few of the many symptoms that can be crucial in diagnosing an eating disorder. Every person is different, so the manifestations and their combinations are too. The time from the onset of symptoms to reporting to a physician can be crucial for a positive treatment outcome. If left untreated, these disorders can lead to death, so it is very important to take them seriously and seek professional help before it is too late. Healing on your own is never a good idea because it can only lead to worsening.


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