How to Make Hard-Boiled Eggs
How to Make Hard-Boiled Eggs

Making a hard-boiled egg is something a lot of people know how to do. But making a perfect hard-boiled egg is something a lot of people are struggling with. It is true, you cannot do it wrong, and their versatility is why there are so easy to prepare. They can be enjoyed for breakfast, in a combination, during lunch or dinner, and as an appetizer. With the Easter coming, we want you to know how to make a perfect hard-boiled egg!

Easter is Coming
Easter is Coming

Different types of Eggs

The first thing you need to do is purchase the eggs, and when you go to the grocery store, you will find different kinds of eggs. How can you know which are the right one for you? Here are some of the most common types of eggs:

Brown eggs

Brown, just like the white eggs come from chickens. The only difference is that the brown eggs come from brown chickens, whereas the white hens are laying the white ones. There are some exceptions, but it is quite rare.

Brown eggs
Brown eggs

Cage Free

This refers to where the hens are kept. While some people keep the hens in the cage, the others let them roam the property, i.e., keep them in an open barn.

Cage Free
Cage Free


These eggs are laid by a hen which has been given an omega-3 enriched food. Omega-3 is something we all need, and you cannot go wrong if you select eggs rich with the fatty acids. Any of these variations will do for your hard-boiled egg.

omega-3 eggs
Omega-3 eggs

Nutrition Value

Every egg has a highly nutritious! Our bodies use a good amount of protein from eggs, as well as vitamins and minerals. Furthermore, eggs contain fat and cholesterol which is beneficial to our bodies, and they are present in a low quantity. One egg has only 80 calories.

Nutrition Value of Eggs
Nutrition Value of Eggs

Interesting facts

Before we go on to the actual preparation, let’s check out some interesting facts about eggs. You can test whether your egg is good enough to be boiled at all and all you have to do is place it in a bowl of water. If it rises to the top and stays afloat, you can throw it out, but if it sinks to the bottom, the egg is ready to be used. Furthermore, the eggshells can be used in gardens because they enrich the soil with nutrients as they decompose. If you find a grey-green color, it means that the egg is overcooked and it is only the sulfide in the yolk that combined with the white. This egg is still edible.

Interesting facts
Eggshells can be used in gardens


You can do a bunch of things with the eggs, but let’s see what the best way to make the hard-boiled egg is. The only two things you will need are a saucepan and eggs. Put the eggs into the saucepan and pour cold water over them. Make sure the cold water is about one inch above the eggs. Put the covered saucepan on the stove and heat it until it starts boiling, and remove from the heat immediately. Let it sit there for 15 minutes and place the eggs in cold water or pour cold water over them to cool them. They need to be entirely cool before you start peeling them. Hit the egg a couple of times and gently remove the shell.

How to Make Hard-Boiled Eggs
How to Make Hard-Boiled Eggs

Other helpful tips to make hard-boiled eggs

When you store eggs in a refrigerator keep them in the original carton on a shelf, don’t take them out and place them on the door. Also, there is no need to wash the eggs before you boil them. You should cook the egg until both the yolk and white are firm. However, some people prefer the yolk to be runny. When you cook the eggs, eat them immediately. Don’t let them sit for too long at room temperature.

Eggs in a Refrigerator
Eggs in a Refrigerator

Classic Deviled Eggs

Eating regular eggs for a while can be boring, and you might want to spice things up a bit. There are numerous variations, and you can find many of them online. They are all easy to make, and below, we will show you how to make Classic Deviled Eggs.

Classic Deviled Eggs
Classic Deviled Eggs


• 6 hard-boiled eggs, peeled
• Knife
• Fork
• 1/8 teaspoon pepper
• 1/8 teaspoon salt
• ½ teaspoon ground mustard
• 3 tablespoons mayonnaise

Classic Deviled Eggs
Classic Deviled Eggs


Cut eggs in half, lengthwise and take out yolks and mash them with a fork. Stir in mayo, mustard, salt, and pepper and fill the whites with the yolk mixture. Put it in the fridge to cool down for 24 hours. You can use red caviar and Italian parsley to garnish deviled eggs.


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