
How does your mattress feel these days? Maybe you hear the sound of the springs cracking when you change your bed position. Or perhaps it feels too bouncy or soft to keep you lying awake. Without a good quality mattress, your sleep suffers. You will eventually start to notice the changes in back pain, neck pain, fatigue, and irritability.

Picking a second-hand mattress on craigslist or accepting a hand-down mattress from your friend will help you solve the solution for the time being. But you will sleep better if you have the right mattress for yourself.

Before You Start Shopping For A Mattress


Ready to buy a mattress for yourself? Maybe you already know the thing you would want from your mattress. However, before you can head to your local retailer or search engine, start your search by considering your needs.

  • Sleeping Position: Sleeping posting is an important factor. Sleeping on a mattress that doesn’t support the right support to your sleeping position might not be able to give you a sound sleep.
  • Body Type: Your body type also affects the type of mattress you need. For instance, people with lower body weight will need a mid-sized mattress, while people with a higher body weight need a firmer mattress.
  • Pain: Pain is an important factor while selecting a mattress. If you wake up with back or neck pain, your mattress might have lost the ability to support your body. Try finding a mattress that perfectly supports your spine while you sleep.
  • Price: Mattress comes in different types; some have springs, while some have simple foam. Depending on what you prefer, the price might vary.

Spouses Don’t Always Agree On Beds

Being in a loving relationship with someone that you plan on spending the remainder of your days with does not mean being in total agreement about every little thing. In fact, even if you agree on most things, there will always be situations that cause some level of conflict.

A healthy relationship isn’t one where there is no argument but one where issues are always resolved eventually. That said, there are some arguments you don’t really need to have and which you can avoid. For example, where and how you sleep. He may like things cool; she may want them warm. He may prefer a stiff mattress, while she prefers a soft one.

How do you resolve such disparate tastes? Well, there are a few ways. In this writing, we’ll go over some tips that may help you clear up the dispute and choose the best mattress for both of you.

First: Figure Out What Your Actual Preferences Are


Sometimes, the rest of the issues you’re dealing with have less to do with the mattress you share than with emotional or physical issues. Maybe you’ve got some back pain; maybe you’re very angry about something; maybe you feel guilty about something; perhaps your spouse feels bad about something and hasn’t told you. Eliminate those variables.

Once you’re physically and emotionally in a good place, then figure out if the mattress you have is the one you need. Maybe you’d do better with a water bed, a memory foam mattress, or a sleep number bed. Maybe it was only one of you that was having trouble. Sometimes one spouse can sleep anywhere, and the other needs all manner of help getting to bed.

Second: Figure Out What Amount Of Money Can Be Spent

Once you’ve determined what kind of preferences are limiting rest beyond external variables, it’s time to line out your budget. You can find mattresses at almost any price imaginable. Be savvy enough on the internet, and you’ll find some option that’s totally free—though probably not what you’re looking for. Meanwhile, there is a bed that’s over a million dollars out there.

Most couples will be somewhere between those extremes! A good budget is $1,000. You should be able to find almost any option that fits preferences in that price bracket.

Third: Explore Mattresses Specifically Designed For Couples


Once you know actual preferences and budget, it’s time to explore inventory. According to Shape, here are the best mattresses for couples that might be just what you’re looking for. But there are a few different alternatives out there to try. Waterbeds have their place, though they aren’t as popular as once they were. There are also sleep number beds and those designed for intimacy.

Fourth: Be Sure The Mattress You Find Fits The Master Bedroom

This one should be straightforward, but it really isn’t: you may want a big beautiful bed, but is your master bedroom big enough for it? Sure, ideally, it is. But not all couples have the luxury of ideal living circumstances. You don’t want a bed so big you can’t open the closet! On the other hand, if you have a massive bedroom, a queen-sized bed looks small and out of place.

If your bed doesn’t fit the space where you live, getting in and out of it will be an impediment to resting overall. If the room’s small, you’re tripping all over the place when one or the other of you needs the restroom at two in the morning. If the mattress is too small and the room’s too big, neither of you can get the space necessary to rest.

Fifth: If You Have The Budget, Be Willing To Try Multiple Options


Sometimes the only way to know is to try a few beds for a few months and see what works. This tends to be more expensive, but it is the absolute best way to determine beyond a shadow of a doubt which respite options resonate with both of you.

Finding The Best Bed For You And Your Spouse

Try different beds, ensure a fit for the size of the bed itself in the room where it will primarily be, explore options in mattresses designed for couples, determine your budget, and know what the actual preferences of each spouse are before you start looking. Moves like these should help you find the best possible mattress for you and your spouse.


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