
Since March, the world is in a state of a pandemic, after it was declared by the World Health Organization. Last year in November, a new coronavirus appeared in Wuhan, China, and it soon became an epidemy, taking a lot of lives in the country. But, due to migration, and touristic visits, it started spreading rapidly at the beginning of 2024.

In March, there were so many positive cases, so we didn’t have any choice than to adapt to the new situation. This virus is causing a wide range of different symptoms, including dry cough, tiredness, pains in the body, losing the smell and taste, running nose, which is very common. Maybe we thought we have everything under control, since many governments around the world required lockdowns, and published a pack of protection measures, so we can stop the spreading and infections.

But, there were more and more positive cases as the days went by, so more strict steps needed to be taken. For example, in Italy, there were so many active cases, and their health system collapsed, even though they are a highly developed country. In poor countries the situation is even worse, because people die in the hospital, waiting for a doctor’s help. Many specialists work overtime so they can help, but no matter what, the number of infected people is growing every day.

But, why is that happening?


Some people deny wearing protection masks, even though it’s a very simple measure to respect. Some of them say it ruins their right to breathe fresh air. That’s simply not true, because every special medicine mask, and other approved types, are made of materials that are prone to air, and those who wear them won’t have problems breathing.

According to, N95 masks provide the greatest protection, because they are made of comfortable materials, that cover your nose and mouth, can fit everyone, and you won’t have any problem breathing easily.

But, that’s not a reason for some people not to wear them, or even the ordinary medical masks, so they can stop the spreading of the virus. This is a global problem, and many countries can’t really manage the pandemic locally, and the medical staff is under a huge risk every day.


That’s why, as time went by, the hospitals’ management decided to open separate COVID-19 centers, so the doctors can focus on the people in need. In the first months, people with chronic diseases were stopped to use the usual service, since so many doctors were in that COVID-19 centers, and other specialists couldn’t really manage the whole pandemic situation. But, even though these centers are physically separated from other departments, the risk of getting infected while at a medical center or hospital is still huge.

What can I do to protect myself?


People who need to fight against some disease, or chronic condition, are at high risk, because their immune system is weaker, and so are their organs and tissues, and it’s easier for the virus to cause life-threatening damage. The infection is causing serious respiratory issues, and affected people often aren’t able to breathe, and they need oxygen support, so their lungs may renew and recover.

Thousands of tests are performed every day, and a huge number of them are positive. Sadly, people who already have some chronic conditions, or bad immunity, are more likely to have lifetime consequences, or the risk of dying is also high.

Visiting a hospital is a huge risk at this moment, but we all need to be aware that they are doing everything in their power to protect the patients who need therapy for other diseases. Every one of us should also know that no matter how we believe in the doctors and institutions, we must wear masks while at their office, and be respectful of the rules and measures in the hospitals.

What can doctors do?


They don’t have much choice, and they are putting their life and well-being at risk, so they can help and save more patients. They work long shifts and need to wear a few layers of protection clothes, hair covers, and two or three masks over their face, and pray to every God they know to keep them safe while at work.

Sometimes, this is not enough, and they get infected anyway. And when the medical staff is not healthy, hospitals are not safe for the patients.

The least we, as patients, can do, is to wash our hands before we enter our doctor’s office, wear a mask, and keep enough space in between.

What governments can do?


No country is powerful enough to put control over the people who still believe the coronavirus doesn’t exist, and this is something imagined, and all the people lie to us because they have some financial benefit of that. Sadly, the number of people who think this doesn’t exist, and it’s just a simulation, so the governments can control us, is pretty huge. The problem is, they are also irresponsible and don’t respect the simplest protection rules. No matter if they are at a store, at bars, or a hospital, they don’t keep distance, don’t wear a mask (or wear it improperly), and put all the others around them at risk.

The government can’t control the behavior of every individual. It’s on them to bring the rules, and remind the people what they need to do. Also, they bring new laws and decisions in a crisis, so they can easier manage the pandemic, which includes opening new hospital departments, and giving more money, so the doctors can be paid for their effort, and putting their lives at risk.

So, we can say that theoretically, hospitals are not risky. But, we can’t deny the fact that some people got infected while waiting to enter the doctor’s office. On the other hand, the existence of these hospitals is a guarantee that we will be able to get the needed medical help, especially if the whole health system can handle the number of active cases by country.


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