
Among the many chemical compounds naturally found in hemp or marijuana plant is CBD or Cannabidiol. CBD has gained massive popularity in the last couple of years, and the reason is its effects on well-being. Today, many companies have benefited from CBD and developed several readily available products in the market. From gummies to oils and vaping liquid, there are many ways through which you can consume CBD.

The reason for its immense popularity is not just hype. Marijuana has been used for its medicinal properties since ancient times. And it’s because of the compound cannabidiol that it has gained this reputation. Apart from being a pain reliever, CBS is also known to fight insomnia, relieve muscle ache, and contribute to a person’s overall well-being. In addition, it is also found to be effective for treating epilepsy and has also gained a reputation in limiting the effects of chemotherapy in cancer patients. visit if you are looking for a variety of high-quality products.

Although CBD is available in several forms, not many know the process behind its extraction. So, if you are wondering how Cannabidiol oil is made, read ahead to find out.

The Extraction Process of Cannabidiol


Since Cannabidiol is extracted from hemp or marijuana, it is not a simple process; instead, it requires a sound extraction technology and is often costly. Here are some of the ways it can be extracted:

Extraction using CO2

The extraction of CBD by using CO2 is also known as Supercritical Fluid Extraction. Although it is an expensive method, it is very efficient and results in obtaining a high concentration of extracts. This method is used not only for the extracting CBD but also for other essential oils used in perfumes.

Under this process, the pressurized CO2 is pumped into a chamber that contains the plant. The CO2 breaks down the plant and absorbs all its oil at a liquid state. Next, this mixture is then pumped into the next chamber, where CO2 returns to its gaseous state and evaporates, leaving behind the extracted flavours.

Extraction through Solvents


CBD can be extracted through the use of solvents in a liquid state. Although the process resembles the process through CO2, the only difference is that the liquids used are naturally occurring fluids. The liquids that are used in this process include ethanol, hexane, isopropyl alcohol, or even olive oil.

The extraction through natural solvents is cheaper, but it is not without downfalls. For one, the use of alcohol like ethanol results in extracting chlorophyll for the plant as well. As a result, the extracted oil tastes bitter. Secondly, natural solvents don’t evaporate well, and as a result, it is extracted in a low concentration.

Apart from the natural solvents, extraction also takes place by using hydrocarbons like naphtha, butane, petroleum, or propane. Although this process is efficient and inexpensive and doesn’t extract chlorophyll, it is usually avoided because of the leftover solvent residue that can result in being harmful. The natural solvents are more preferred in this case.

Extraction through steam distillation


Another inexpensive method of CBD extraction is steam distillation. In this process, steam is used to separate the oil from the plant. Then these vapours are collected in a tube. They are condensed and are distilled to separate it from the water.

This is probably the oldest way of extraction that has been used for centuries. Despite this fact, it is somewhat an inefficient way of extraction. The reason is that it requires a large amount of hemp plants and extracted a small amount of oil as compared to other methods. Another potential risk using this method is that if steam gets too hot, there are chances that it will change the chemical properties of the CBD and damage the extracted oil making it ineffective.

Extraction through oil infusion


Another method that has been used for centuries for the extraction of CBD oil is through infusing it with a carrier oil. This process starts with the decarboxylation of the plant. It can also be achieved by heating it at a specific temperature to activate the chemical compounds. After that, a carrier oil, for instance, olive oil, is added and is heated at 100 degrees centigrade for a maximum of 2 hours.

Although it is the simplest method of CBD oil extraction, its only drawback is that since you can’t evaporate a carrier oil, especially olive oil, you need it in a large quantity to get the desired effects.

How CBD reaches us?

After the extraction of the CBD, it reaches us in the following forms:

  • The CBD extracts are mixed with carrier oils, for instance, coconut oil or hemp seed oil. They are readily available for the users.
  • These oils are probably the easiest way to use.
  • If you want to consume CBD, you can always opt for the gummies. These include CBD extracts mixed with corn syrup, juice, or other flavourings.
  • You can also get Cannabidiol extracts in a capsule. It is available with coconut oil if in the form of a capsule. However, if you go for a soft gel, it is also available along with olive oil.

You can also get CBD for vaping purposes. When the extracts are mixed with propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, and various flavourings, they can be inhaled using a vape pen or an e-cigarette.

CBD is undoubtedly very popular these days and proves to give various benefits, especially for maintaining well-being. However, its extraction process is not that simple and requires careful monitoring to ensure the end product is of high quality and without impurities and harmful chemicals. So, the next time you are out for purchasing CBD oil, make sure you ask about the extraction process and read about it on the packaging to ensure you are getting the right and high-quality product.


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