
Currently, addiction to either legal or illegal drugs is a global issue. Now and then, there is a new type of drug that hits the streets, plaguing societies and economies. Drug addiction penetrates every aspect of the user’s life. Family and friends are usually the first to feel the impact caused by the actions and activities of the addict. This greatly diminishes the quality of life of the addict and those around them.

Though in every difficult situation, there is always a way out. Suppose you are the subject matter here or have a friend or relative who is addicted to drugs. In that case, there is no cause of alarm as facilities such as Orange County addiction counseling are available in land-based locations and the virtual realm as provided by Jim Brillon Therapy. You can access treatment and recovery solutions for addicts willing to kick the detrimental habit. Detox and counselling are fundamental aspects of the recovery process, and no treatment plan is complete without these steps.

Risk Factors That Predispose You To Drug Addiction


A lot of people find themselves abusing drugs due to various reasons. Many begin through experimentation, whereby they test to get the feeling of being intoxicated. Some fall prey to pressure from their peers, and others do it out plainly out of curiosity. Continuous use of these drugs may lead to addiction, making it hard for the person in question to resist the urge.

In the event you are unable to resist the push of using a particular drug, however great havoc it’s wrecking in your body, then you are addicted. Or in an instance, a doctor prescribed a medication to ease some pain, but you still continuously use it after the pain is gone; that is drug abuse that leads to addiction. This article explores common familial, individual, and social factors that make one more susceptible to drug addiction.

1. Depression and Anxiety


When some people are battling feelings of gloom, sadness, pain, or anger, they may opt for drug abuse to make themselves feel better. Looking for relief from stressors that lead to depression acts as a motivator to self-medicate.

The continuous use of these drugs may lead to addiction. The high feeling one gets when they consume alcohol or use other substances may help alleviate anxiety and depression. However, the effects are short-term, which drives the person to consistent use resulting in an addiction that alters the brain’s normal functioning disrupting normal functioning.

2. Relationship Issues

When one is in a relationship filled with conflicts now and then, he or she may turn to drug abuse so that he can evade or have the courage to deal with his or her partner without any fear. This applies to different kinds of relationships, including family and friends. The dependence on alcohol and other substances to evade real-time issues leads to the habit of using anytime a problem arises with people around them.

3. Trauma


Trauma is a psychological response to events that make it difficult to cope. Being a victim of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse or losing a close relative disrupts one’s mental balance. Some have difficulty accepting and working through the trauma and seek solace in substance abuse. Others may opt to abuse drugs to escape reality and live in a make-believe utopia. People choose to deal with various kinds of trauma differently, and using alcohol and drugs is one of the worst coping mechanisms.

Numerous other factors predispose one to drug addiction that we haven’t discussed above, such as deviant peer relationships, genetics, age, and medical conditions like ADHD and PTSD.

Counseling For Drug Addiction

The whole aspect of counseling is to identify potential triggers and come up with a long-drawn-out plan to help you maintain sobriety. Most people think that getting clean is all about ridding your body of any toxic or harmful substances. But detox is just the beginning of the journey.

Counseling is vital to prevent the patient from relapse. Addiction is more than physical dependence; your mental state also plays a significant role. Drug addiction counselors understand this and are keen to provide intervention therapies to help you avoid triggers and escape cravings.

There are numerous counseling therapies available. And one may have to consult a medical expert or addiction therapist to figure out the best treatment plan for you. Every person is unique, and as such, counselors and therapists should treat each case with a particular individual in mind. In the same manner, no single approach stands above the rest. Let us consider some types of counseling therapies.

Individual or group counseling


Individual therapy involves only the recovering addict and the counselor, while group counseling focuses on more than one person at a time. However, the latter is preferred as it defines a social network for the patient that provides moral support. Once they see that other people are going through the same thing, they feel challenged to get better.

On the other hand, individual counseling has its perks. It is best for people with significant psychological conditions such as ADHD, bipolar disorder, depression, or anxiety. They require additional treatment on top of their addiction.

Outpatient and inpatient treatment

Inpatient counseling services are offered within facilities that separate you from society. You sign into a rehab center and stay there for a stipulated period. Outpatient programs are the opposite, where you visit the counselors office for a few hours while you live elsewhere. There is no evidence yet that one is better than the other. But residential services are often costly.

Final Thought

Quitting drugs and alcohol is no easy task, especially when the patient has been using for an extended period. Working with an expert is the best route to prevent relapses and wrong treatment that could intensify the addiction. There are various drug addiction recovery programs, and exploring all the options is necessary to make an informed choice. Consider signing up for counseling to improve the chances of the rehabilitation journey from drug addiction. On the road to recovery from drug and alcohol abuse, the relationship the recovering addict forms with the counselor influences therapy’s success.


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