
Not everyone who consumes drugs develops an addiction. Because everyone’s bodies and minds are unique, so are their reactions to medications.

Some people become addicted fast, while others become addicted gradually. Others may never develop an addiction. Many variables influence whether or not someone becomes addicted.

Genetic, environmental, and developmental influences are some of the prevalent ones among them. In addition, counseling, medications, or their combination can effectively overcome drug addiction.

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What Is Drug Addiction?


Drugs are chemical molecules that can alter how your body and mind function. They include prescription and over-the-counter medications and alcohol, cigarettes, and illicit narcotics.

Addiction to drugs is a chronic brain disorder. It drives a person to use drugs repeatedly, despite knowing about their negative consequences.

The usage of drugs is hazardous. Addiction can develop as a result of drug usage. Because the brain alterations caused by addiction can be long-lasting, substance addiction is classified as a “relapsing” condition.

This indicates that persons in recovery are in danger of resuming drug use, even after years of abstinence.

What Are The 10 Most Common Drugs You Can Develop An Addiction For?

Drug usage may alter the brain and lead to addiction. It can permanently damage your brain and body. It can even cause harm to those around you, including friends, families, children, and neighbors.

Let’s find out the most common drugs you can develop an addiction for:

1. Nicotine


Nicotine addiction may not appear to be as dangerous as other addictions. This is most likely because tobacco products are legal and easier to obtain. However, tobacco usage is responsible for more deaths than any other addictive drug. Many smokers cannot quit, despite being aware of the dangers of smoking to their health.

People addicted to tobacco products have a physical and psychological desire to continue using tobacco. These recollections elicit the desire to smoke. Triggers might range from music to specific people or places. Nicotine addiction is also related to a solid behavioral addiction.

2. Alcohol


Since drinking is socially acceptable, it might be challenging to detect alcohol addiction. However, regardless of its legal position, alcohol addiction is common for many health issues.

Alcohol slows down the brain since it is a Central Nervous System Depressant. This causes slurred speech, tiredness, coordination difficulty, sense distortion, consciousness loss, memory impairments, etc.

In 2019, about 70% of adults in the United States reported using alcohol in the previous year. Over 14 million individuals in the United States suffer from alcohol addiction. We are not telling you to reject the Christmas or New Year’s cocktails, but lower your alcohol intake to 2 drinks every day, and you will restore balance in your health.

3. Marijuana


Marijuana legalization in several states has made the drug’s usage more socially acceptable. But, unfortunately, this tendency may divert attention away from Marijuana’s addictive potential.

Marijuana addiction has increased by 60% in the last decade. Marijuana is used in medicine to relieve tension and discomfort and enhance appetite. Marijuana is used recreationally for its relaxing properties.

When a person takes marijuana, cannabinoid receptors in the brain are activated by a neurotransmitter. Therefore, with continual use of this substance, the user’s brain is trained to require Marijuana to feel normal.

4. Painkillers


Painkiller addiction can develop from seemingly innocuous levels of use. Unfortunately, most people addicted to prescribed pain relievers do not realize they have a problem until they discontinue use.

Codeine, being an opiate, has a significant danger of increasing people’s tolerance and reliance on it. OxyContin is also a potent medication that may be misused to the point of overdose.

Ingesting pain killers at high doses can result in lasting head trauma or weaken the breathing system to the point of collapse.

5. Cocaine


Since cocaine is an illicit chemical, any usage is considered abuse. Cocaine is a powerful stimulant that causes brain damage by increasing dopamine levels, a brain chemical linked to pleasure and reward.

Cocaine can induce genetic alterations in nerve cells, brain cells, and proteins over time, among other long-term impacts. Cocaine’s potency and duration are also affected by how it is used.

The effects of inhaling it are brief, lasting around 15-30 minutes. Vaping or shooting cocaine produces a stronger high but lasts just 5 to 10 minutes. To sustain the intended effects, most Cocaine users will dose repeatedly.

6. Heroin


Heroin is a potent opiate that strongly influences the brain’s reward system. As a result, users have characterized the high from heroin as an extreme sense of well-being.

When heroin addicts inject the substance, they feel an adrenaline rush from the drug reaching the brain rapidly. The effects of heroin may appear to be innocuous to people experimenting with the substance.

Although it may cause dizziness and sleepiness, these effects may be pleasant. Also, unlike alcohol or Ecstasy, Heroin users don’t feel a hangover after the effect wears off.

7. Benzodiazepine


Benzodiazepines such as Xanax, Valium, and Klonopin, are mood-regulating medicines used to treat stress, anxiety, and depression. Addicts to these substances are frequently unaware of their addiction until they are unable to function normally without the substance.

Because of their profound influence on the chemical constitution of the brain, benzodiazepines are highly harmful. Without medical aid during detox, withdrawal symptoms can be fatal.

A benzodiazepine addict may use up to 20 or 30 tablets each day. If a person decides to discontinue it, they may experience withdrawal symptoms like sleeplessness, restlessness, and shivers.

8. Stimulants

unsplash.comStimulants vary from prescribed medications like Ritalin and Adderall to illegal ones like Methamphetamine. These medicines are highly addictive, and the withdrawal symptoms are severe, making it difficult to quit.

Users of stimulants can quickly develop a tolerance to the drug’s euphoric “high,” leading to increasing usage and an increased risk of overdose.

Every month, around 900,000 Americans take prescribed stimulants. This results in physical dependence on the substance and necessitates the user to use the drug to feel normal.

9. Inhalants


Since inhalants are volatile hazardous compounds, addiction to inhalants is especially deadly. The effects of these chemicals are severe, with rapid repercussions such as hospitalization or death.

Chemicals in inhalants can persist in the body and brain for a long time after use, making a full recovery more complex. According to studies, between 13.1% and 16.1% of eighth-graders in the U.S. use inhalants.

People may potentially inhale the chemical through a plastic or paper bag. In addition, those addicted to inhalants may heat these chemicals before breathing them to increase their potency.

10. Barbiturates


Barbiturates, which might be classified as Sleeping Pills, are administered to millions of Americans to treat anxiety and sleep issues. Unfortunately, thousands of prescription users develop an addiction to sleeping pills every year.

Sleeping pills have mind-altering properties that can lead to prolonged usage. As a result, doctors prescribe them for severe insomnia and may not always administer them on a fixed dosing schedule.

These medicines can either amplify the effects of an alcohol buzz or provide a comparable sensation on their own.

Putting It All Together

According to research, combining medications with therapy offers most patients the highest chance of success. In addition, medicines can aid with withdrawal symptoms. There are medications available to assist you in re-establish normal brain function and reducing cravings if you are addicted to any of these drugs. Therefore, if you want to know more about it, reach us in the comment section below.


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