
Having issues with your Gastrointestinal system or GI for short may easily impact your quality of life and can cause you to discomfort almost consistently.

Plenty of people have GI problems of different sorts. Many suffer from bloating as the most common GI problem, or a very sensitive stomach or just constipation that is consistent or even consistent diarrhoea that is even worse. No matter what the issue is this can affect you in many different ways and our advice is to never wait long before you see your doctor. Some things are easily and cheaply treated when they are caught early on.

As you can see, today we want to discuss the correlation between the vagus nerve and digestive problems and if those two can affect each other. As far as we found out the vagus nerve can’t be impacted by your GI issues but it may very well create those problems. The vagus nerve runs right in front of the C1 vertebra and the amount of neurons in the vagus nerve is about a hundred thousand.

All of those neurons have to tell hundreds of millions of neurons in the enteric nervous system what to do. Vagus Nerve and Gut Function are connected definitely and if you want to find out about that more you can check out

Now that we have established that the vagus nerve is the one to blame for your digestive problems, how the confusion start does and what is happening? Well if you have any sort of issues with your C1 and C2 or if you have instability of any sort in those places the input the vagus nerve has to give to the digestive tract is hampered in any way, you will end up with a lot of enteric neurons in the digestive tract not working correctly and not knowing what to do and when.


In the situation when the vagus nerve is working correctly it sends signals to the stomach to start secreting stomach acid. That acid is what dissolves the food you eat and thanks to that your nutrients, fluids and other kinds of goodies can travel around your system, essentially making it run correctly.

With the issue in the vagus nerve, the secretion of stomach acid stops or isn’t at a certain point and you are not digesting your food correctly, causing gastroesophageal reflux and bloating.

Another thing that vagus nerves stimulate, which is rather important for us is our pancreas. It stimulates it to start making enzymes that are supposed to digest the food. This is double trouble and this is what can easily cause your entire system to slow down and endure pain.

Without these enzymes doing their job, your food is not absorbed meaning it will lead to you being tired, and dizzy, and you can end up with diarrhoea or worse. The biggest nerve is also responsible for sending a signal to the intestines to contract. Another really important function that if tampered with may cause constipation and other issues.

What this makes us conclude, and that it has been hard to believe, at least to us, is that cervical issues and vertebra misalignment or dysfunction can cause you to have a lot of bad digestive tract issues. This is where specialists are advised to do a digital motion x-ray that can capture the movements of this region of your neck and see if anything is out of order. If there are issues they will most likely impact the function of the vagus nerve which will reap havoc down below.


If there is a problem with the vagus nerve you also may experience issues in the spleen and liver, the two organs that control inflammation in our bodies. If those two are having issues it can lead to a lot more problems than bloating, diarrhoea and/or constipation. This nerve is connected to the liver and spleen and it gives those two inputs on when to make the bile and tells the gallbladder to release that bile.

If there are no signals there is no means to absorb fats in your body. On the other hand, if the vagus nerve doesn’t send proper signals to the spleen that controls the inflammation you will end up with some sort of autoimmune disease or rheumatoid arthritis or you have had these for some time and you couldn’t find the culprit. Well, the best thing to do is start with the vagus nerve and check everything.

The good news behind all of this is when you have a structural cause, such as upper cervical instability that hampers the vagus nerve, the prognosis can be really good. All you need in these cases is to get something called Prolotherapy.

This is a series of injections that depend on the case, so you can have four of them in four visits or six or more. Again this is a case-by-case basis and everyone’s is a bit different. It will also depend on how severe the instability is and how hampered the vagus nerve is.

There is a way of monitoring patients to conclude that the therapy is either working or not. The monitoring is done by that digital motion x-ray and you will need to do this about every three Prolotherapy visits. This x-ray will show the doctor what is happening in that cervical region and with that, it will show if that cervical instability is getting resolved.


Once this situation is resolved and your vagus nerve is back in normal operation it will bring back homeostasis in the autonomic nervous system and all things will slowly start to get back into normal parameters.

With the success of this, you should see improvement in your digestive system, you should see less bloating and other gastrointestinal tract issues, as well as improvement in your organism’s normal function, primarily fighting inflammations and correctly absorbing fats you bring in.

After reading this you may have a bit broader picture of what is going on with you and if anything of this written here applies to you we strongly advise you see your doctor and inform yourself more about this, the vagus nerve and the digital motion x-ray and what it can do for your benefit. Your doctor, a professional will probably point you in the right direction and hopefully, you will clear your problems in no time.


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