10 Foods that Boost Metabolism
10 Foods that Boost Metabolism

According to Lisa Lin, a food expert from California, a fast metabolism is the first step towards a healthy life. Thanks to her program based on the groceries which are filled with protein and other nutrients, you will become healthier and feel much better. Take a look at what Lisa Lin recommends – these ten foods will boost your metabolism!

10. Green apple

The green apple is what you can eat every day. If you look at your metabolism as a machine, you need to power it on in order to work. You should eat one green apple every day and the best time to do that is around 3 p.m. when your organism starts slowing down. Remember the saying – An apple a day keeps the doctor away!

Green apple
Green apple

9. Protein shake

There is nothing better than the protein shake to keep the metabolism running! Making one is easy, and any protein shake contains amino-acids perfect for burning down calories.

Protein shake
Protein shake

8. White fish

The white fish which is soft is the best type of fish for people. Eating fish will improve your digestion.

White fish
White fish

7. Chicken

Although chicken doesn’t contain as much protein like fish, it is a good choice when you want to speed up your metabolism. Chicken is a good source of protein.


6. Green Vegetables

Green vegetables such as a salad, spinach or savoy cabbage are burning down fat even better than broccoli!

Green Vegetables
Green Vegetables

5. Black coffee

Some people find black coffee without any milk to be too strong, but it is the oldest recipe for burning down fat. If you want to lose weight, you should start drinking black coffee.

Black Coffe
Black Coffe

4. Egg white

The egg white is one of the best protein sources. It doesn’t contain any fat, and this is exactly what your organism requires.

Egg White
Egg White

3. Grapefruit

Even though it has a bitter taste, grapefruit helps the liver cleans more quickly, and it enhances its functions.


2. Green tea

The green tea will help you speed up your metabolism, but it will also help you burn down calories. The important thing is to eat constantly but in small portions and the green tea may be perfect between meal breaks.

Green Tea
Green Tea

1. Spices

Hot peppers and dried red chili peppers lower the sugar levels in your blood and assist in burning down fat.



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