
It goes without saying, the necessity to donate blood has become more popular than ever all over the world. We are acquainted with the fact that almost everywhere hospitals are in great demand for blood donations, but at the same time, the donation system has to persuade that no harmful viral particles such as hepatitis and HIV are presented.

The situation is becoming more and more dangerous. Today we have WHO statistics and claim that an alarming situation has been developed in some areas: violations of the protocol of research and blood tests were done and announced in 35 countries at the moment when donated blood had been gathered. WHO officials mark that in some countries testing may be held without any proper guarantees of high quality.

It may seem to be a nonsense that 43% of hospitals where blood transfusions are performed do not possess special systems for reporting adverse events of blood transfusion. Moreover the lack of irregular medical supplies and tools, as well as highly professional working stuff, the situation becomes dramatically visible. WHO notes an evident difference between countries with different income.


Testing of antiviral medicine is critical to the safety of the blood transfusion. Nevertheless, the most usable diagnostic methods to identify viruses may not usually precise; sometimes-testing results finding viruses and determining their viability in donated blood, are untrustworthy.

Definite factors may influence such a low detection and they are drawbacks of methods leading to mistakes in the results of the investigation; inability to recognize viruses at low viral load titers; impossibility for determining the harmfulness of viruses, that is, determining their viability; violation of the requirements during the study, including human factor, violation of the procedure, etc.

The company called “New Medical Technologies”, in collaboration with the researchers from the Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology of Uzbekistan (UzNIIEMIZ) developed know-how methods and a special installation where those methods were applied (see here Lets consider this installation first. Surely, it concerns the disinfection of medical instruments, items, tools and surfaces. The problem is that many instruments used in cosmetology, surgery, dentistry, gynecology are not allowed to be processed in conditions of high temperatures or while using strong chemicals.


As a result a patient may get infected with viruses containing RNA and DNA (here it should be noted that COVID-19 is a virus containing RNA), bacteria, spores and fungi or blood-borne infections.

Methylene blue as a photosensitizer (sterilizing agent) was a wise solvation to the problem. It was applied in a special installation that uses the method of photodynamic disinfection, offered by the New Medical Technologies Company. The method is spread in different medical spheres such as dentistry, oncology, gynecology, urology, ophthalmology. It is also helpful if one has diseases of the respiratory tract and throat, for the treatment of skin diseases as well as in the diagnosis of various diseases. It takes around an hour to inactivate virus. The company offer the devices working in different modes, containing chambers of various sizes. All of these give an opportunity to place a great amount of items and tools.

Sterilization units of the New Medical Technologies company are safe for medical stuff as well as for the environment; The equipment may be highly advised for use in medical sphere as well as in service industries. Which is more important, it does not have any direct analogues.


There is also another aspect that is worth being considered. A new approach was suggested for detecting most dangerous viruses. All of these are caused by the fact that viruses possess lymphotropic properties, that is, the ability to permeate in the lymphocytes of a person’s body and remain there. These include viruses of hepatitis B, C and HIV, influenza virus, hemorrhagic fever (Ebola group), which have lymphotropic internals.

The director of New Medical Technologies company, Ovik Mkrtchyan noted that when they had been testing their new scientific method of research at the Republican Blood Transfusion Center, they discovered that 18% of samples (let’s mention enzyme immunoassay and polymerase chain reaction) that had been taken earlier with the help of so called classical but old-fashioned research methods were infected by viral particles. They came to an inarguable conclusion about the old methods. They are less effective which means that it is quite risky to transmit donated blood with a harmful illness from a donator to a receiver.

However, such experiments had already been taken in Japan, but they didn’t contribute a lot for the human-beings. It has taken a few years to invent the method of identification viruses in lymphocytes of blood donated by donors and at last it was claimed to be the first finished research in the field. A number of strategies developed by New Medical Technologies have been patented so far and used for excluding false negative results. For example, while testing donated blood for HBV and HCV and HIV CC as well as fixing the life expectancy of lymphotropic viruses; for detecting them in a biological matrix when the concentration of the virus is under the sensitivity limit of the polymerase chain reaction method.


Mkrtchyan adds that the method they have developed for detecting and assessing the viability of lymphotropic viruses has no analogues in the modern world. Everything has also been done for the safety of the donation system, including patients. These know-how methods are not very sophisticated and they have a great advantage – one doesn’t have to buy specific equipment for practical use – the devices used in every diagnostic laboratory will do. Those who work in the laboratories may just use instructions for conducting the study so that they will easily be able to apply the new methods into practice with no need for taking special courses or additional consultations.

To recap, we can come to a conclusion that New Medical Technologies company is a real trailblazer with all the new methods and installations saving people’s health and probably it’s just the beginning of their scientific story.


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